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Excel: at the UGA Digi Lab

Introduction: I start by explaining what Excel is and how to navigate around a page. I introduce the most basic features of entering data, copy and past, drag and fill, workbook vs worksheets and much more. I really wanted to start with the absolute basics so that I can help everyone build up their knowledge and stay with us through the rest of the lecture series. I know that many people are already familiar with these most basic elements but, it is worth covering. I'm always please with how thrilled people are to learn about 'paste values only'.


Level 1: At this section I wanted to cover more advanced features that allow people to have more control over their data sheets, like alignment, merge, boarders, fill, color, and size. I want people to know what the different menus do, be more familiar with the data tab and give them more control over their work books. I also introduce them to simple math and the auto calculations as an introduction into the logic of excel and how advanced features work.


Level 2: This section introduces the students to sorting and filtering as well find and replace. I also introduce them to named ranges and drop down menus. Finally, I introduce how to create graphs and the many possibilities that can be had with them. I feel that most casual users don't even attempt dropdowns, named ranges, or graphs features because they seem to advanced or unapproachable. I want, as part of this class, to demystify Excel and encourage people to learn more about it on their own. 


Level 3: I use this level to being up conditional formatting and the management of the governing rules as a way to gently introduce students to logic of formulas that constitute level 4. I try to cover all the most useful and common of basic formulas (IF, SUM. COUNT, TRIM, VLOOKUP, CONCATENATE, DAYS, NOW, TODAY, ROUND, ETC). These are widely useful on their own and helps students grasp the basics of them before moving on to nesting formulas.


Level 4: Here I take students from using individual functions to combining them into more complex formulas, including nested formulas. This is one of the two most powerful abilities that I hope to leave students with to help them either progress in academia, the job market, or just their own personal lives. This section comes with a hand out that I use to help students walk their way through the process and understand how to do it on their own. 


Level 5: Pivot tables. This section is dedicated to creating and managing them. This is a very poorly understood element of Excel that many people have heard about, but still remains shrouded in mystery. After going through this I expect that most students will be able to do this on their own. This is the second facet of Excel that I believe will help propel students understanding and qualifications. This should also help give students a base line of knowledge and the confidence to pursue learning more about Excel on their own.

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